I didn't buy either pair of boots, they weren't quite right and boots to me are an investment! I am prepared to pay more, that's not the issue, but they can't be "Ok" they have to be the "right" boots.
So when I got home I logged on to Twitter and saw that Gemma has started a fund raising effort for the distaster struck people of Haiti. Suddenly it was clear, and fateful, that I didn't buy the boots for a reason. I promptly made a donation to DEC (The Disasters Emergency Committee) on behalf of myself and my husband. We had been talking about it last night that we wanted to make a donation that actually made a dent in our pockets. Money I could have blown on boots is now on its way to help people who need much more than new boots.
It makes me think of how I can be a better person and help people less fortunate than myself. I have a home, family, friends, clothes and food to eat, a job, a husband and a future. I am more grateful than ever for those things which give my life meaning. My thoughts turn to those who do not have those wonderful things. People whose lives have been devastated beyond recognition, who will probably never get over the loss and suffering, and ultimately may still die from the after effects of the disaster.
You do not have to donate of course, I do not want to pressure or patronise. I am lucky I have just started a new job so I can give a little more than previously when I was unemployed and had very little. Even if all you can do is spend some time thinking about how the people in Haiti have been dealt a bad hand by fate, that's a precious gift. I certainly feel that I need to spend a little less time gazing at my belly button, stressing over little things and looking and reaching out to the world community.
You can donate here http://www.justgiving.com/youtubersforhaiti but check out the videos below for more information.
Thank you Gemma for your hard work and big heart.
I dontated after watching the vid you posted. Thanks for the link.