Lovely Followers

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Lanolips Rose Balm Intense for very dry hands and nails review

Lanolin is a by product of wool processing. No animals are harmed during the making of it, but they may get a bit chilly when they are shorn. Lanolin based lip products are my product of choice for lip balms especially using them at night. Lanolin is deeply moisturising and lasts a long time. I gave a tube of Lanolips 101 ointment to my sister (cue evil laugh) who is also now converted.

Buoyed by the success of the lip products, I started using Lanolips Rose Balm Intense hand cream. It's around £9 for a 50ml tube from stockists such as Boots, Victoria Health etc...

The Rose Balm is not your typical balm, it is not a solidified oil but a thick and waxy cream. In all honesty it has a similar consistency to Angel Delight (the strawberry one). Forgive the strange comparison but it is entirely true in my opinion.

When rubbing it in to the hands it feels more like a coating than a moisturising cream. It's not unpleasant by any means, sticky or oily but I find that it is not moisturising either. So I tend to only use it if I am going outside and facing the elements as it has more of a protective feel. Perhaps that is how it is meant to be used and not as a regular moisturiser. It's not a balm you can use several times a day without washing it away completely first as your hands feel very waxy. That sounds odd but for example, if you're in London for the day and only have antibacterial hand gel for cleansing, it's waxy!

A note about the scent, some people love the smell of baby lotion but I don't, unless it's on a baby! I was expecting an aromatherapy type rose scent and this was a bit of a surprise.

Unfortunately, I think it's not a repurchase for me as it doesn't fulfil my requirements from a hand cream; which are moisturising and long lasting, ability to layering without it rubbing off and non scented or something uplifting. I completely dig the tube though, long and thin, it's the perfect handbag choice. It is surprising how many hand creams are tubs and large tubes which take up more room than they should.

Sorry dudes at Lanolips, I love your 101 ointment though (cue evil laugh) and so does my sister :)


  1. Definitely going to have to try that out! Gets dry even here in Southern California...I need some! Thanks for the review and tips!
    XO Carrie
    Fashion Inspirer!!


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