Lovely Followers

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

What would you advise a younger version of yourself?

Oxford Jasmine

Oxford Jasmine If you could pass on one piece of advice to a younger version of yourself, what would it be?

April 14 at 6:24pm · ·
Oxford Jasmine
Oxford Jasmine
I think my personal one would be, stress less & work smarter not harder.
April 14 at 6:26pm ·
Erum Ailia
Erum Ailia
Study hard!
April 14 at 6:34pm ·
Ruhin Khan
Ruhin Khan
Dont do the mistakes that I did, do it just that 1 bit better!!! lol :D :D
April 14 at 6:35pm ·
Michelle Solomon
Michelle Solomon
Nothing happens before its time. Relax and enjoy the ride.
April 14 at 6:36pm ·
Alyssa Marie Bruno
Alyssa Marie Bruno
don't worry about everything! just worry about the things that matter and worry about you cuz you are important!
I always worry about others more...not thats its bad, but you know what I mean, right? lol
April 14 at 6:37pm ·
Nikki Reynolds
Nikki Reynolds
Don't conform, and little things mean nothing.
April 14 at 6:40pm ·
Sarah Dean
Sarah Dean
You're not fat - you're ok and you aren't ugly - you're ok!
April 14 at 6:51pm ·
Aqsa Khurshid
Aqsa Khurshid
listen to your mother!
April 14 at 6:54pm ·
Nikki Reynolds
Nikki Reynolds
Hope you don't mind if I steal this. :)
April 14 at 7:00pm ·
Gillian Close
Gillian Close
dont be too quick to judge people
April 14 at 7:17pm ·
Oxford Jasmine
Oxford Jasmine
Excellent advice, and Nikki steal away!
April 14 at 7:53pm ·
Heidi Karin Eilertsen Greger
April 14 at 7:55pm ·
Ruchira Haldar
Ruchira Haldar
beauty advice: drink more water and less soft drinks. overall: live in the now, and not in yesterday or tomorrow.
April 14 at 8:05pm ·
ElvaRรบn Gunnarsdรณttir
ElvaRรบn Gunnarsdรณttir
Patience is a virtue..
April 14 at 8:44pm ·
Claire Redfield
Claire Redfield
Don't be so eager to grow up.
April 14 at 9:35pm ·
Elisa Horwood
Elisa Horwood
Save your money, don't go spending it as soon as you have got it
April 14 at 9:58pm ·
Timaka Dawson
Timaka Dawson
Be the best you can be and don't let anybody talk you out of living your dreams. Most of all, love yourself the way God loves you.
April 15 at 12:31am ·
Victor Graff
Victor Graff
whatever you do don't smoke that
April 15 at 2:35am ·
Rasna Singh
Rasna Singh
Be as you are n not like wat others want you 2 b ........
u r d bst:):):):)
April 15 at 3:18am ·
Akansha Srivastav
Akansha Srivastav
Be urself, work as something that u love, listen to your mom, take education srsly, always show u
R parents how u love them. I wish I did the last one but was too late :(
April 15 at 8:54am ·


  1. What a great post!
    For me it would be.. that alleged safety and status are quite unimportant and fading, like peoples' expectations.
    ..that you should leave relationships that just never make you happy, and recognize and leave bad situations that are too abusively bittersweet at any cost.

  2. I feel your advice, wish I had had the courage when I was younger to follow!


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