Urban Decay Brushes, my local stockist (Boots) has been holding out on me! You can see these brushes on line at Debenhams. The prices are more than I thought though, starting at £10 for a "wonder brush" (an eye, lip and concealer brush) to £24 for this Powder Brush. Seems a little pricey to me but then I am used to e.l.f and Crown brushes.
This is the only UD brush I have so it's hard to compare it to the rest of them. It is the most dense powder brush I have, and I have a few.

The brush measures about 16cm in length, is very lightweight and has synthetic hairs. It's aluminium handle and grips make it easy to hold and use.. It's really easy to clean and robust enough to quick dry in the airing cupboard or on a towel over a radiator. I find synthetic brushes easier to use as they are softer and shed a lot less.

Here's how it stacks up against my other powder brushes.
It's not the fluffiest. That goes to the Generic one (I bought from Panacea81 ages ago) on the far right.
It's not the longest. That also goes to Panacea81 Generic.
It's not the heaviest. That goes to The Body Shop, also a taklon beast but quite heavy and "flappy".
It's not the cheapest, that goes to the e.l.f Powder brush at £3.50

I do prefer it the most to some of them for the following applications:
If you squash it between your fingers to flatten it, it is a great contour brush.
If you use one side and sweep it up the cheek, it's a great blusher brush.
It's also very good for buffing in liquid foundation, but not for applying it.
Would I buy it, no I wouldn't. Of all the brushes I own, the least useful is a Powder Brush, and for £24 I can buy a set of brushes from Crown or e.l.f. Saying that, no look is complete without a liberal dusting with the Powder brush, pressing in with a sponge, then a sweep over with the brush to remove excess.
What's your most useful brush?